The current mood of littlegem at
new old bio cast rings links profile reviews
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2004-09-30 - snooping bastard
2004-09-30 - normal?
2004-09-29 - update
2004-09-29 - links
2004-09-28 - love definitely sucks
2004-09-28 - just when I think he's done calling...
2004-09-27 - sorry
2004-09-27 - bio
2004-09-27 - cast
2004-09-27 - review
2004-09-27 - hungry
2004-09-26 - laxes, yay
2004-09-25 - pretending I don't feel
2004-09-25 - to fuck or not to fuck...that is the question
2004-09-24 - missing him and hating it
2004-09-22 - quickie love, self-destruction
2004-09-20 - big baby
2004-09-19 - GO TO HELL AZREL
2004-09-18 - long night
2004-09-17 - another list
2004-09-14 - more bullshit
2004-09-14 - no title can describe this
2004-09-13 - see A tomorrow?
2004-09-13 - so tired
2004-09-12 - today has been hell....
2004-09-12 - list on last night...more later
2004-09-11 - back in Houston
2004-09-10 - over with A
2004-09-10 - let's get fucked up...
2004-09-09 - pity, pity
2004-09-08 - ugly?
2004-09-07 - so fucking worried
2004-09-07 - I'm such a bitch
2004-09-05 - another one to add to the list
2004-09-05 - stress!!!
2004-09-04 - problems- Gabe, Eben, jobs
2004-09-03 - moving or work?
2004-09-02 - guys and a new job
2004-09-02 - gabe
2004-09-01 - i wish...
2004-09-01 - encouragement

November 2004
October 2004
September 2004
August 2004