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and it continues
2004-10-24 @ 7:20 p.m.

The crap never I realized I lost my cell phone at the hospital, and called them...of course no one had turned it in. So, I'm getting one of my old cell phones reactivated until I get a new one (it was insured).

Oh...and Eben is out trying to borrow money from friends to get his car fixed...which means we are both without cars, unless we rent one, which we can't afford in the first place. Isn't life grand?

I am completely dedicated to eating healthy though...but I'm not sure I want to swallow these humongous anti-biotic pills...yuck. I have a deep rooted aversion to pills...which is most likely because of laxative, sleeping, and various other pill addictions.

I'm dedicated to making this work though...I'm calling the gyno tomorrow...there is one thing bothering me though. Eben made a comment yesterday, when we were talking about the baby. I told him it was too late to do anything about it, and he said, "No, it isn't." Those three words nearly made me smack him, but I controlled myself. The thing is, he should know better. Considering I was adopted myself, and could've easily been aborted, I would never be able to follow through with an abortion. And, even if that wasn't the case, the two miscarriages I've already had make it less likely I'll be able to carry a this may be my last chance. So, that concludes my little monologue on why I'm pissed. Goognight everyone...may your Monday not be too crappy.

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