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more bad luck
2004-10-23 @ 8:12 p.m.

Another car wreck today, but it wasn't my fault. Pickup truck hit me from behind and knocked me into another car. My car is fucked up pretty bad, and I had some good whiplash...and it busted open a half-dollar sized cyst on my back, which already hurt like a bitch in the first place.

Eben told me I needed to go to the hospital, so when I went to my parents after they asked me to, I made my mom take me to the hospital...but of course only said it was becausse of my back. They couldn't do anything about the baby though, and they gave me a prescription for the cyst. They took a culture of it too. I'm supposed to go to the gyno and get everything checked out ASAP (including the cyst), so I'm going to be making a phone call tomorrow or Monday. And they couldn't take an X-ray either, because the radiation will deform the baby. Also, I'm only allowed to take Tylenol.

These shooting pains through my chest and stomach are fucking pissing me off...and my cramps come and go, but those were already there anyway. I'm scared though. I don't think I can take another miscarriage, I really can't. My luck seems to be getting worse and worse though, so who knows. Like I need anything else to worry about right now.

I'm going to take a shower and pray that everything is okay...

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