
Happydiary - 2004-11-18 21:02:49
Emotions are never Ugly. They are simply real, and true, and you feel how you feel. You my dear, are not ugly either. Believe me, I've looked at your pictures on your diary. (Not in a scary way though). You're in my thoughts, -Dani
luxlust - 2004-11-19 08:42:41
Thats so normal, your body has gone through a huge jolt, you are going to want to fill that empety space in yorself again. You did what you did because you thought it was best, just remember that things WILL get better, just try to make yourself comfortable. Spoil yourself, you need it right now. Blessings- annemarie
lildebkitty - 2004-11-19 08:50:11
I am so very sorry for your loss and so very disappointed in your family for forcing this loss on you. You do need to spoil yourself right now. Go get your nails done, or a pedicure, or buy a new outfit, something to make you feel pretty. Whatever you do, do not drink or do any drugs right now, they will only make you feel a whole lot worse, NOT better. I have been in your shoes so I do know what I am saying. Surround yourself with your girlfriends right now... I hope you are back to yourself soon, and don't go and die cause I would miss reading you! :)

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